Virtual Trials and Hearings

As courts transition to virtual proceedings we understand that success depends on flexibility and planning. At Five Corners Group, we have never taken a “one size fits all” approach to client needs. Our solutions for remote trials and hearings are no different.

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No two virtual trials are the same. Regardless of the complexity of the proceeding, we offer best practices developed over years of experience with trial technology and remote collaboration. Our solutions range from complete remote equipment packages to graphics, document, and video preparation, all controlled remotely or at your trial site by our technology experts.

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Five Corners Group offers expertise, planning, and creativity that get results.

  • Orient team members and witnesses to chosen web-conferencing platform
  • Provide presentation expertise on video, audio, and lighting best practices
  • Develop graphics optimized to its layout(s)
  • Prepare exhibit database for presentation
  • Edit and optimize deposition video
  • Provide virtual “hot-seat” staffing

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